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Therefore, adding things like pre and probiotics, and collagen into your diet are beneficial not only for your gut bacteria, but also for your joints and recovery protocol. 

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Screen time is almost guaranteed at jobs these days. But we tend to blink less when looking at a screen, which actually dehydrates our eyes. And if you’re one of those people who has 2+ monitors, or 100 different tabs open at a time, constantly switching between that (and your cell phone) puts an increased strain on your eyes. Excessive strain on your visual system requires a lot of energy, and is a common trigger for headaches at work.

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Female athletes are at a higher risk of sustaining an ACL tear than their male counterpart. Some of the factors contributing to this include anatomical differences, muscular strength, neuromuscular control and hormone differences!

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In golf, force is transferred up through the ground. When this is done effectively, there is a sequential contribution of force distributed through the body in such a way that no single part is taking on a load it can’t physiologically handle. With elbow injuries, there is a disconnect in how force is transferred between the shoulder and the elbow, as well as the elbow to the hand. 

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